Mission Water

A precondition for all life forms, water is at the very heart of our existence. Today, this precious resource faces immense challenges. Challenges that pose a major threat not only to the well-being, but to the very survival of people, cities, ecosystems – and to the beautiful, vulnerable planet we call home.

Too often, mankind has treated clean water as an inexhaustible, cheap resource, neglecting its vital worth. With today’s rising pressure on the quantity and quality of water, this precious resource is in dire need of revaluing – environmentally, socially, economically, technologically. It’s time to turn the tide. To ensure that water is valued as the revitalizing force it has always been, and to make this value equally accessible to all living beings.

We call it Mission Water.
And we invite you to join the movement!

Vision of SAUR Group

Vision, Purpose and Values

Ongoing efforts made by all those who take responsibility for preserving water and the resulting changes.

Our Sustainability Roadmap

We have developed a sustainability roadmap that breaks down our mission into commitments that contribute to a more sustainable world.

Sustainable Development Goals

See how we have aligned our goals with the sustainable development defined by the United Nations by 2030.